Profile and Course Assignments

Web Portal for David Perez

About Me

Hello everyone, name is David Perez. Born and raised here in Colorado. Lived in Sheridan when I was growing up and now live in Golden. As for what I want out of this course, I hope to get a good foundation of Web GIS as I am very interested in how ArcGIS stories are made and the use of them. Not sure how much of need/want there is in that area but hope to move in that direction has I look for a new career in GIS.

I enjoy the outdoors from hiking/fishing/kayaking in the summer to skiing/snowboarding in the winter. I enjoy being on the water in the summer and on the frozen version of it in the winter. I enjoy traveling and been many places across the globe. My favorite place in the world that I have been too is a toss up between Ibiza Spain and Lisbon Portugal. My favorite place, and top on my buck list of places I want to go would be Bali; but will always come back to Colorado

My Assignments

Week 1: Feature Layers IN ArcGIS Online - Click Here To View

To started out this assigment, I used a few images from some trips I took here in Colorado. I was having issues with the uploading these images as well as other images to ArcGIS as they wouldn't show in the feature layer. After attempting to do this over a few hrs, I realized none of my images had a geo location set as I have turned that off on my phone. After adding that information to a few images, I was able to complete the inital asignment. I created the two custome fields as suggested, Location and Sort. Had I been able to uploaded other photos of travels outside the U.S., I was going to add state, and country fields to help sort my data. As I wanted to submit this assignemnt on time, I only did the 3 images.

Week 2: Create a Story Map - Click on the My Story Image to View:

For this project, I wanted to build off last weeks assignment using images and locations of some of the places I have traveled over the past few years. I created an excel spreadsheet giving the date of travel, title of my travel, location city and state and link to the image. For the Arcade expression I wanted to calculate time difference of date of my travel from various trips I went on from today's date and showing the number of years since I took that trip.

I started with the following expression:
var today_date = Today();
var travel_date = Date($feature.travelDate);
var result = DateDiff(today_date, travel_date, 'years');
return result ;.

I realized it would be better to add days so I created the following expression:
var today_date = Today();
var travel_date = Date($feature.travel_date);
var years = Floor(DateDiff(today_date, travel_date, 'years'));
var days = Round(DateDiff(today_date,DateADd(travel_date, years,'years'), 'days'),0);
return "Time since last trip: " + years + " years and " + days + " days ago."

Week 3: Create an experiene builder web app Click on the My Story Image to View:

For this project, I updated my travel data and added more travel locations. For my Web App, I added a custom search feature based on City, State and Country from data set. I added a pie chart to show all trips based on country, and then changes based on search data.

I added the print feature, measurment and draw feature to allow user to mark up map. I added a filter widget but couldn't get it to work. Will continue working on this to see what I an do to get it to work.

Finally, I added a bookmark widget to show 3 diffrent regions I traveled to.

Phone App Screenshot

Tablet App Screenshot

Week 4: Create a field map project

For this project, I wanted to continue with my past travel. I created field map allowing a user the option to capture their travels allowing them to set a date for the travel, travel type (Leisure, Camping, Hiking, Kayak/Water, Skiing/Snowboarding, C) and method of travel (Car, Plane Boat).

I was working on an arcade expression to hide fields in the travel type if the user selected camping but coudn't get it to work. Here is the expression I was trying to make work

var TravelType = $feature.TravelType == "Camping";
var TravelMethod = $feature.TravelType == "Plane";
IIf (TravelType, TravelMethod, "None");
